Tuesday, November 28, 2006

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Two days in a row! What's up with that?

I wanted to tell you the story of the all illusive office Christmas party outfit.
Every year Larry and I go to his office Christmas party. Larry always designs the invitation so as soon as he tells me he is working on it I start feeling the stress.
It is silly I know but it can be an intimidating 2 hours for me. I am not usually intimidated but for some reason I am at this. Most of the women there work there and so they all know each other. I don't know what it is I just know that I dread it. Especially when it comes to what to wear. Normally, we go directly from doing Woodward Christmas, loading, setting up, playing, tearing down, unloading. You get the picture. Then we are supposed to go to this party and look partyish.
This year it is the night before Woodward so I thought Wow I can take my time getting dressed. I was going to put my hair up and really thought I could feel good when I go. So on Friday when we were shopping I found a great winter white suit and top at Penneys for 60% off. I grabbed it. It was exactly what I had wanted and at a great price. I was so excited. This year it was finally coming together.

Larry was at Younkers with the boys. I went to meet them and told Larry my exciting news. Brendon wanted to go and look at something(he had one of those $10.00 off coupons on anything over $10.00. We usually look for socks if we can't find anything else to use it on and pay $1.35 for a bunch of sock) anyway......
when I got back to Larry who was waiting in line to buy socks he had just told Conner that he forgot to tell me that this year since the party was at The Lodge at Jester Park the dress was jeans and sweater. WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't have any nice sweaters. Jeans, they are what I wear everyday.
But in a way it will be more comfortable and maybe relaxing since it is casual. Plus now I get to look for a new top to wear with my jeans on Friday. Plus I am keeping the suit and wearing it to the Christmas program at church.

Hope you have fun at your Christmas Parties.

Monday, November 27, 2006

Happy Hallowthanksmas

The title refers to an article that I saw recently in the Register. It was in the opinion section talking about how that all the holidays run together and how early the Christmas stuff is out etc. Well I was a contributor. I did the Christmas decorations at the church on the Sunday before Thanksgiving. I know it was early but I usually spend my long weekend after Thanksgiving putting up Christmas at the church and I just wanted to spend it with my husband and kids this year. So I put it up early. Only one service before Thanksgiving and two services from Dec. 1st but who’s counting.

So Thanksgiving was nice. We went to Larry’s parents for lunch with his family. His two sisters and their kids. Before we prayed for the meal Larry’s dad told us about a dream he had that morning. He had gotten up at 4:00 a.m and read for awhile then he layed back down to sleep some more. While he was sleeping he had a dream that he was homeless. He was wondering around downtown walking because he didn’t have a car. He couldn’t call because he didn’t have any money and he did’nt have a cell phone. He was cold because he didn’t have a good coat.
He said that we are all so blessed and don’t really thank God for it everday like we should or appreciate what we have. He is right.

For Christmas this year on Larry’s side of the famlily instead of us all buying gifts and them buying gifts for us Bill and Doris asked us if all of us would give the money that we would spend on Christmas towards buying a car for someone who doesn’t have one and needs a car and they would do the same. We all agreed.
Bill is good at finding cars and figuring out if they have anything wrong with them. He can fix quite a few of the things himself.
So he found a car at a lot but it was a lot more money than what we all had. When Bill told the mand what we were wanting to do he knocked $600.00 off the price of the car. He wanted to be a part of the gift himself.
So Bill bought it and through some other people they found a single mom with daughters who was in need. A christian women who had been praying and asking God to meet her need. The man at the car lot got to give her the keys and took her for a test drive to show her about the car. He thought it was great.
Yesterday Brendon said he thought what Grandpa shared before dinner was pretty good and he thought true. He liked the idea that he was a part of helping someone who needed a car. Really what does Brendon need that 15.00 was going to get him. His needs are met. But with all the 15.00 and 20.00 combined a real need was met. And God was glorified through it all. Brendon allowed the glory of God to be seen through him. That is a real gift.

So we did do some shopping on black Friday. We did not accomplish much but a small dent was made. Friday night we crashed.

On Saterday it was still so nice out that we decided to clean out our garage. A project we were gratfull to get done. Larry built shelves and organized. He was happy about his acomplishment. I related it to when I organize my cupboards or clean out a closet. I understood.

Sunday still nice outside. Put all my roses to bed for the winter and covered outdoor faucets. Then I tackled some projects in the basement. Totes of clothes to go through. I had been wanting to do this for along time. I burned in the burn pile workbooks that I still had from when Alex used workbooks in school.
It felt so good to get all that done.

While I was putting somethings of Alex's away in there room I found your red nail polish Mariah. I borrowed it, hope you don't mind and tonight I have red nails. I have never wore red nail polish. So I am going test drive it for a couple of days.
Thanks Mariah.