Summer Part 2
O.K. Wedding reminicing is over. Wheeeew. We have been busy is seems latly. Well in June I did the ladies meeting at church. I had a great time. I shared on Love and Respect. I could not believe how many women went out and bought the book and started to put into practice the practical things that the book talked about. Now someone who has really enjoyed the things she and her husband have been learning had the whole dvd set given to them. They can be used for a marriage seminar. So we are looking into getting a weekend marriage confrence put together using these dvd’s and calling it “Your Marriage Matters”. It is just in the planning stages but I am kind of excited about it.
We have enjoyed some nights of fellowship with some friends from church. That has been fun. I really want to start having people over again. We haven’t done that for awhile. Also wanting to plan some fellowship times for the worship team and the childrens ministry teams. It seems like it is hard to get back in the grove for planning events. It seems like we went from being super busy to having nothing and it kind of feels good.
This weekend I am going with the teenage girls from church to Tanger Outlet Mall. It is always fun but it is a long day. Those girls can really run you ragged. I will be in the Clairs store for the majority of the day. It seems like that anyway.
Monday is Conners birthday. He will be 14. He is pretty excited about this birthday because he can get his drivers permit. I am excited for him. I can still remember when I got my permit and how exciting it was to me too. I was actually driving alone when I was 141/2. I had a school permit. Now I look at Conner and can’t imagine him driving anywhere by himself.
We got our basic skills test results back. I look at those test as a kind of report card for me to and this year I was pleased. We did o.k. Actually pretty good. Just yesterday I thought only a month and a half until school starts again. Ugh! Don’t even want to think about that yet. When the time rolls around I am usually ready to start. Summer has run its course and the boys are getting bored. And me to I suppose. We have the pool so we can get our work done and still have time to play. But I don’t feel that way yet so I am glad it is a ways away.
We are planning our vacation in August. Looking forword to that a lot. I am ready for a break. Alex and Mariah will still be here so we have built in dog sitters. We are taking advantage of the opportunity while we have it.
I have been picking rasberries. A lot of rasberries. I made my first batch of rasberry Jelly the other day. Not to bad. Vicki told me how to make freezer jam so I would like to try that next.