Friday -this post delayed due to technical difficulties
This post is really from Friday but I was not able to get on because of some technical problems so even though this will say Saterday it was really from Friday. O.K. I was so busy yesterday that I didn’t even have time to get on to read blogs let alone write. So here I sit this morning. Not cleaning out the refrigerator, not getting my grocery list done, not doing anything on my to do list but typing this post. I’ve missed it.
Well I think that last post was on Tuesday maybe Wednesday but anyway. We have not been doing anything special. Trying to keep on track with school. We are still looking good. The weather has turned a little colder but I have managed to get in my walks. I can really tell a difference in the strength of my knee and it is less and less uncomfortable all the time. I also am enjoying the way I feel when I am done with the walk. I have to make myself start but once I am doing it I enjoy it, Yesterday I walked with an Ipod mini. Loved it. It made the walk go faster. On this Ipod was a Hawk Nelson cd. Sorry, I was not impressed. Not a word about God on the whole cd. It is supposed to be about their touring life. Sorry Hawk your life on tour did not one thing for my spirit and my soul either. Ooooooh, I’m feeling sassy this morning.
Last night we had the Edgcombs out for dinner. We had a great time with them. Today we are grocery shopping and doing some shopping for childrens ministry. Then tonight we have a childrens ministry-planning meeting. Those are always fun. I might try to paint some of the store at the beginning of the meeting but we will see how it goes.
Tommorrow night we are going to have dinner with a couple from church at their house. I like this couple. They are a lot younger than us but we still seem to have a great time.
I am actually related to this couple in a long distance kind of way
I grew up out in the country east of DesMoines. My grandmother’s sister and all of her children lived out in this area. We used to come to family get togethers out in Dexter and Redfield. I thought it was so far away because it took us so long to get there. Well my grandmother’s sister has passed away but many of her children and grandchildren still live in this area.
When we first startet to attend CFC I heard the name Merical said and wondered if they were any relation to my family. So one day I saw Jena Merical and asked her about her husband’s family and it turned out that we were first cousins. And her daughters are my second cousins and that is where we are going to go for dinner. So the place that I thought was across the country I ended up calling home and the church that God placed us in was filled with not only my spiritual family but also blood family.