Thursday, September 11, 2008

Day 2 of cleanse

Today is day 2 of the cleanse. I woke up this morning and I feel good. Different than I have before I started the cleanse. Different in that I don't feel so bloated. A more feminine way to say it would be that I don't feel so puffy. I can tell that my fingers and feet are also not as puffy. I really haven't had much salt for the last 3 days and I am drinking alot of water which I do anyway so I am sure that is a contributing factor. This morning I had my green tea again. Tried two bags instead of one thougth that might make a difference. And...not so much. Last night at church 3 of us who are doing the cleanse saw each other and asked how it was going. I mentioned that I was not loving the green tea thing and they all looked at me and said in unison "You don't like green tea" well now I can't believe that they all think it is so great. This morning I had made my tea and was letting it brew when one of our boys came over and said "Is that your green tea" I said yes. He leaned over and smelled it and said ughhhh.... it smells like fish. Yup!!! Like mother like son. I am probably not going to be contacted to be a spokesperson for the green tea industry. Ha! Ya think.
Last night at church they were making some coffee in the kitchen and I just left that room. It smelled good. However with all of this carrying on about the tea. I am considering not going back to coffee and letting it be an occasional treat. Still thinking about that one.

Let's talk about yesterday. I had my steelcut oats again yesterday. Once with blueberries and second with a bannana. They are delicious. I do like them and after just two days of eating no sugar I can say that the oatmeal is really delicious. A great nutty warm oaty treat. I actually made a batch and have been eating that for a couple of days and since I am not able to have dairy I make it less chunky with just some extra water. Had it again this morning and it's great.

Yesterday I did deal with the headache. Actually thought I might not have to go through that but alas I was wrong. It hit yesterday afternoon. Hit is a good word to describe what it felt like. My head was throbbing all afternoon and night . I didn't even take my usual ibuprofens since I figured no supplements no ibuprofen either. I was so glad to go to bed last night and hope that it would not be there when I woke up in the morning. And this morning it was gone-yaaaa

I actually was hungry when I woke up this morning to. I am hoping that is a sign that my metabolism is picking up. That is something that I had hoped would come out of this. Still so far not much trouble following the plan. Found myself craving salt last night. Also last night was the first time that I was going to be away from the house for more than 2 hours since I started so I had to plan my eating times better. I ate ate 5:30 P.M. so that meant that at 6:30 it was time to eat again which wouldn't work so I ate at 7:30 (I sing on our church's praise and worship team so I was warming up at 6:30. So when we got done I went to the kitchen and ate what I had brought) I packed a bannana and some carrots. Then ate again when I got home it was at 9:00 but that is the best I could do. Never thought about how long it would take to get home. I had some peas when I got home. I was hungry so they tasted delicious.



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