Do you ever have times when you will be standing or sitting, whatever your preference and suddenly your mind goes into this zone where time almost seems to stand still, just for that moment.
This happened to me this morning. I was standing in front of the refrigerator getting the eggs out and the I had the thought to myself, I wonder how Alex liked his birthday cake. The college will make your student a birthday cake and deliver it to them for you if you request it. You can choose between having it taken to them in the cafeteria during a meal or having it taken to them at there room. I choose his room because the RA’s would deliver it and he is close friends with many of them and thought this would be more fun for Alex. Anyway as I was thinking about that I said to myself “Alex is 19 now” and for that second my world froze up.
Really not having anything to do with Alex being 19. I am starting to feel this shift in my life. If I were creative with words here I would have some nifty fun title for this thing other than a shifting but I’m not so this will have to do.
So after this brain freeze of sorts passed I had these thoughts run through my head as I was making coffee.
I have been a Mom for almost 26 years now. In another 6 years all of my kids will be out of school and moving in the direction that God has for them. What will my life be like? Larry and I will have more time together. This sounds great to me. We have always had kids since we were married and some time for just the two of us has a sweet sound to it.
We have talked about trips we would like to take. Ireland, Scotland, France, Italy (I just added this, Larry doesn’t know yet) Maine, Arizona and as many trips to the beach as we can fit in. Meeting Larry for lunch any time I want to sounds fun to.
I would like to take some art classes. I was very active in art in highschool and would love to pick that back up.
I have also thought of starting my own buisness as an event planner but that is a ton of work and usually the majority of it is done at the end of the project. However when I watch the events that they coordinate at the end of the t.v show The Apprentice I think that looks like fun. I could do that. But again, do I want to do something that consuming? I don’t know.
I want to have great relationships with our children when they are grown. To be there friends and for them to enjoy spending time with us.
I want to have special weekends where all of our grandkids come and stay with us and we do all sorts of fun things together. I have such wonderful memories of times like that with my grandma. I want to have those memories with my own grandkids and give them to them also. I have been thinking a lot about both sets of my grandparents lately. I think I will devote a post to them soon. They were wonderful. I was very lucky.
I look at my mom and see another great example of how you can make such a difference in someone elses life. Her ministry to the poor and needy has made an impact on so many lives. She is being honored next week at a breakfast given by the Red Cross for people who have had an impact in their community. That’s cool. I am proud of her.
And she really would not have had the time to devote to Hands of Help until this time in her life.
And what are the Lords plans for me, for us? Everything that I have thought of will pale in comparison to what He has planned for me. That is where I will find my greatest satisfaction. My greatest fulfillment will be in the plan He has for me.
And really that is what I think most people are searching for at the time in their life that I shall call The Great Transition. Fullfillment. A knowing that you are continueing to make a difference. You are not just filling up space. Even if it is one person that you have had an impact on. Investing yourself in people, using the talents and abilities that God gave to you. So maybe the job doesn’t end it’s just a transfer to another department.