It has been a long time since I posted. Truthfully I have tried a couple of times. Once my head was so full of everything going on I couldn't put anything into words. Then twice I did write and totally finish my post on word and when I transferred it to blog it was lost. I did something stupid I am sure it was my fault.
Well alot has been going on so I will do a brief over view. Engagments, preaching, dinners with all the kids here, helping with wedding plans,visiting with family in town for the weekend, dinner with Larry’s parents, taking Alex to the train, Easter and fishing. Phewww! What a couple of weeks.
Spring has sprung in my flower gardens. Tulips are up and almost gone. They seemed to go fast this spring. I wonder if it is because of our warm streak.
And everything else is going crazy.
These dogs are driving me crazy. When they are in the same room they play and they play hard. Duke is constantly proving dominance and that is driving me crazy. Here is this little 15lb. Shnauzer taking down this 50lb. Labradoodle and making him cry. I am afraid that they will hurt each other. Today I asked a friend who has two dogs if this happened at his house when he got his second dog. He said yes and you have to let it happen. It is what they have to do and they will not hurt each other. I can’t stand it. The noise they make when they are playing and running through the living room, ripping around the chairs and couches. Ugh!!!!!!
I am in the home stretch for school and I can tell. I am ready for a break. No more test or checking or correcting for 3 whole months.
Last week we went out to Larry’s Mom and Dad’s for dinner. They live in Altoona which is close to where I grew up so on our way there we stopped to see an Aunt of myn who is in a nursing home that is close to Altoona. I had not seen her since she had gone there. I hardly recognized her. It was so hard to try to make the adjustment and not look surprised by her appearance. I hope she didn’t know how shocked I was. But her mind is still really sharp so I don’t know about that. It is hard for me to watch all of my Mom’s family get older. I adore them all so much. I wish that they could all stay the same and just keep letting me get older. But that is not what happens. When I am with them I just want to honor them and let them know how much I care for them because I know that our time together is running down. And I don’t like it. Not at all.
Tonight is church and tommorrow I am going to continue with my house purging that I started yesterday. It feels fantastic to clean out drawers and closets and see the junk go.