Done chilling out
Today I am fighting some discouragment. Just trying to get back on top of things. To just be aable to see the top instead of the bottom. Not like me to be like this. I know why I feel this way. Sorry to personal to say on here but it is something that is really bugging me. I wonder how much of my emotions right now are being influenced by the fact that I have not been able to walk on the treadmill or do any other exceercises where my feet are pounding on the floor or any weight bearing excersises because of my vein surgery. None of that for four weeks. Today is the end of my 4 wks. so I am getting on the treadmill today. I felt so good last summer when I was walking everyday outside. I did enjoy being outside. I think that I also have some of the February blues. Stuck inside, cold, not much in the way of sunshine and not feeling like I am progressing on any goals. Just maintaining and that not very well.
So today it's me the treadmill, some weights and a little soul searching.
Last night Cassie and Kinzie spent the night here because Codi had surgery on her tear duct and had to be at the hospital at 6:00 am. I did it this way because then I would'nt have to get up at 4:30 to go to there house. Now I am rethinking that decision. I think that I got less sleep with them here than I would have if I went to there house. I like sleeping all night without interuption. Lack of sleep could also be influencing my winter doldrums. Ahhhhh sleep.
Cassie is taking a nap now so it is my turn for a shower.