It's a little late!
Actually its not really that late. But for me I have to get up at 4:15 a.m. to be at the hospital by 6:00. The weather is not so good so I need to allow for a slow drive.
What am I doing on the computer at this time of night. I was just thinking about how cool it is when we know that God had set up a connection for us. We know that God has directed our steps so why are we so surprised when we see it. Yesterday after I went up to see my Mom at the hospital I went to get my eyes checked. I need new glasses and I defiantly need to have my bifocals moved up a notch. So I went to the new LensCrafters at Jordan Creek. It is new and closer than Valley West and I figured that it wouldn't be very busy. I saw the doctor there and while he was waiting for my eyes to dilate he asked about my family.
I told him about our kids starting with the oldest and then I got to Alex. I said he was married and he and his wife are going to school in Colorado. He was surprised when he heard Alex was 19. I told him that when Alex was 14 we let him go on a missions trip to Thailand and a lot of people thought we were nuts but it was just right for him. He has always done things before a lot of other kids his age and he is very mature.
The eye doctor who's name is Michael asked if this was a Christ centered trip.
Who ask that unless they are a Christian? I said that it was. That started a whole conversation about how they had just moved here from west Chicago. They have been visiting churches and were still looking. They live in Waukee and had been to Adel the other day and knew where the church was.
The thing that he said that caught my attention was that they had been visiting churches and didn't want to say this is what we are looking for but where did God want them. The also don't want to be entertained. They are looking for the truth.
They came to church this morning. I was glad. I really like them. They are so refreshing and sincere. You can look in there eyes and see how much they love God.
He is also a guitar player and loves to worship. Even better.
So if you need your eyes checked go out and see Michael at the doctors office at Jordan Creek Lens Crafters.
How cool is it when you actually take the time to notice the hand of God at work.
Even if they don't end up at our church I am blessed to have met him and see the love of God displayed in this young family. To be reminded again of the redemption and mercy and grace that God so freely gives.
You are awesome God and I adore you!
Be blessed on this snowy Sunday night.