I love weddings. Sunday was the McDaniel wedding. After getting there at 10:00a.m. and not sitting down till 7:00p.m. I still love weddings. The wedding started at 5:30 that afternoon and as the bridal party was walking outside to the wedding I heard it. The sound of the crisp fabric and the skirting rustling as they walked. And instantly I felt the feeling that I get at weddings. The ahhh moment. I looked up and saw all the color. Smelled the air of fresh flowers. Saw the excitment on the face of the bride and said to myself. I love weddings. I especially love being in the background and watching everything come together from start to finish. Oh it is the best feeling ever. To walk away that night while everyone is having fun and enjoying all of your hard work. Wow I love my job. This wedding was very colorful and fun. The wedding did get to be held outside whcih is what the bride really wanted. So it was a great wedding. I will post more about it on a new blog I am making for my website which is being consttucted as we speak. I will post a link when it is done. I am going to try to put up some pictures.
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