Thursday May 4, 2006
Over the weekend we started our kitchen project. This project started out as just replacing the laminate in our kitchen/dining room/entry way. Then thought about how we had been wanting to redo our cupboards. What a good time to do that since we didn't have to worry about hurting the floor. While we're at it lets replace the railing in to the stairway. Never liked it and it need to be replaced. We started all of that this last weekend. Step 1, paint the cupboards. We took everything out of the cupboards which revealed all the junk I had accumulated. Some boxes of food that if I haven't made it by now it aint gonna happen. Things like Atkins sour dough bread. There is nothing about soy flour that is ever going to taste or smell like bread. Not even real butter can help it. Maybe some great preserves but then its not Atkins anymore so why have that box up in the cupboard. You know things like that.
A set of goblets that I am never going to use. Havn't since they were given to me. So they to ended up in the give away stack.
Back to painting. Edgy was wonderful. Brought out his sprayer and helped us to do the job. We had to wait quite awhile between steps for things to dry so we fellowshiped. It was great. We got to know Edge alot more and he is well worth getting to know.
So on to Sunday. Now it is time to put everything back and pick handles and put the magnetic dealies back on etc. This weekend we are putting new can lights in, then the next weekend Edge is doing the new railing. We are scheduling the floor now.
The other day I saw Alex's my space blog. At the top of his thing it said "I am getting married". It's hard to describe the feeling that came over me. Not like its a surprise. We have been helping with the wedding plans where we were neeeded. But to see those words. I choked. Kind of like I am right now as I write this. The thought ran through my head that I wish I had more time. But then I realize for what? What would I do that I haven't done with the time I have had?
So I am taking this to again be a reminder to value the time no matter when that time is. I will have alot more time with Alex and Mariah. And I am looking forword to all of that. Do you think that I will go through this each time that each of the other boys get married?
On the wedding note I have to start looking for a dress for the wedding. Will keep an update going. If you see any good sales let me know.
Oh I can't forget the news about our cat population. We currently have 9 grown cats that all live outside. Of those 3 have just had kittens totalling 9. 3 more died.
I think that 1 more of the females has yet to give birth.
I need to get rid of these cats. We don't need this many cats. Who does?