I haven't blogged in a long time. Don't know exactly why. Sometimes the things that I would write about are personal. Things that I am going through at the time and I think about that whole, this will be out there forever saying and think maybe that is not a good idea. And it is true that somethings are best left unsaid.
Last week was a crazy one. But I must say I enjoyed it all. However I am grateful for the peace and quiI can always have that if I choose to live in Gods peace. Have that all the time, but the quiet that is another story.
Last week the boys worked for Debby at her concessions trailer during the State Track Meet at Drake. Every night they came home smelling like fried food. Oh how pleasant. But I did find out if you wash the clothes with some Dawn dishwashing soap it will take the smell out. Ya! for Dawn. How many multi purpose uses does Dawn have. Someone should start a list.
On Thursday when I took them to work I stayed in town and walked at Grays Lake. That was great. So pretty. 2 miles around not bad. Then I came home and cleaned and did laundry. While I was doing my house wife things I realized why it is hard for women to work outside or in my case inside there home on top of everything else they do. It's hard because they don't have a WIFE.
On Friday I did stay in town again and did some fun errands and walked again around Grays Lake. I called Kim and she came and walked with me. That was fun. The time went fast. If I lived in town I would go there and walk alot. This week I am going to town on Thursday to pick up my fresh flowers for a wedding this weekend and I am going to take Brendon so he can roller blade around while I walk.
After walking I went to order the flowers for one of the landscaping jobs I am doing. I saw the other things that came in for one of the other jobs. They looked so pretty. Can't wait to see them all in so I can take the visual in my head out and put in the done job. It will be fun to see if the two match up.
I stayed in town all day because we had a graduation open house to go to that night so after we picked up the boys at Drake we went out to that. It was fun seeing people and being able to visit. It was my cousin Robins son who graduated. Now she has no more kids in school. Any way she and I had a crush on a guy that I went to school with. He was in the same 4-H club that I was in and showed steers like I did also. Rob and I would sit in the barn at the Polk county 4-H fair and snicker like girls do and talk about John. Well I moved out of the area that I grew up in and she moved into it. It's funny. And her kids are friends with Johns kids so he is always at her graduation open houses. Two years ago when her other son graduated Robin reintrouduced John and I (it had been 25 yeas since I had seen him) and told him we had crushes on him. He is really sweet and humble (which also worked in his favor in highschool) and was embarresed and blushed. We arrived at the open house this year after John and his wife had left and Robin told me she was going to have our picture taken with him. LOL. That would have been fun. Silly but still-fun.
The next morning we all went different directions. Larry to Kinzie's soccer game, the boys to Drake one more time and me taking them and finishing pick ups for the wedding. Larry and I did get to have lunch together. It was nice. We ate on the patio at Fridays. I like Fridays. The food is always good there and sitting outside was so nice that day. Perfect. Larry picked up the boys and they are done with that job until June. The NCAA track meet is at Drake and they will once again smell like Fried Tenderloins.
On Sunday we went to church and then after church we changed our clothes and went to lunch with Alex and Mariah at Subway. We visited with them for a while and went to see Narnia "Prince Caspian". Great movie. Even I enjoyed it. Made me want to read the story again and see what they changed. Brendon remembers alot of the book which surprised me since he read it a couple of years ago. As we were talking about it it made me want to read it again. They have to change some things or the movie would be 20 hours long. Those are such great books. There was a line at the end of the movie that Aslan says to Lucy that I thought was so good and wanted to remember and now I can't. Aww.....should have written it down.
When we got home Larry and I went to the church and got some of the hostas that we are removing to put new plants in the spot where they are. Then we had to come home and plant them. We put them around the big oaks that line the tree line behind our house. I have been planting and splitting hosta's to do that for about 3 years. Every year I just add a little more not we are down to the 6th tree. Larry has started transplanting the wild phlox that is in the timber around the base of the trees also. It looks great and he is removing the weeds so that the wild violets can spread. It is his special project.
By the time we were done it was 9:00. Brendon had gotten hungry for chicken alfredo so he fixed it. It was pretty good.
Here are a few things that I am growing in now. To rest in his peace. To only do what I see him doing in every area of my life. To listen closly for the voice of the Holy Spirit by making more times of quiet in my day. I usually have the t.v. going or the radio or a CD or something. But realized with all of that going on it is hard to hear sometime.
Everyday is packed to the limit it seems. Landscape designs to do, weddings to work on. advertising to get ready. outreach things to do(that list is huge). And I wake up thinking about all of the things that need to be accomplished that day. But if I listen closely I will hear the voice of the Lord saying come and see what I have for you today. So I am trying to put my list aside(if you know me you know that is not easy) and go to Him first. What good is this outreach if it goes from being the heart of God for the area that he has planted us in to my to do list to show my ideas and how well I can lead a project. Hmmmm I think that I know why I was supposed to blog today. Who knew that God could use a blog to speak. Good to know and remember. I guess a blog can be like a donkey.
Have a great day listening.
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