Well, what a week I have had. I can’t really say I was busy running I probabably feel busy because it is the end of the school year. Wanting to make sure we are all done by the end of May or a little sooner wouldn’t bother me.
Brendon and I have been working on fractions. Adding, subracting, multiplying, dividing you know the drill. He is the last one to do this and it never ceases to amaze me how all of the boys always wanted to just do the work in there heads. It is a process of steps and in your head won’t work. I am tempted to let them and from time to time it happens but Larry tells the boys that they always need to show their work. After 13 years of hearing that it starts to sink in and Larry was a much better student than I ever was so I maybe his way is better.
I just looked at that 13 year statement in the last paragraph and thought about that. We started homeschooling when we had just been married for 2 years. Newly married, start homeschooling and a new baby on the way. Talk about stressful. I think that Larry started a new job during that same time frame and I stopped working.
To help with the transition from having my salary to not having my salary I took on a paper route in Dallas Center where we lived. I would get up at 4:00 in the morning and go and pick up my stacks of papers. It really wasn’t that bad. It was spring when I started and I came to enjoy the early morning sunrise and the birds singing. On Sunday morning Layne would go with me to pick up the papers because there where so many more and they were heavy. We would drive back to the house and pull into the garage where Larry would meet us and we would put the papers together and then Layne and I would start delivery. Larry would start breakfast and then we would get ready for church. We were going to church in Winterset at that time and Larry was on the worship team. Their team had practice before the service in the morning so while Larry was at practice Layne and I would take a nap in the car.
This routine went along pretty good until it started to get cold. By then I was really pregnant and mixed with cold and bad weather I stopped my paper route career.
The things you do to make your situation at that time, work! But it was worth it.
Layne and Sara are expecting another baby in December and I was remembering the other day how we didn’t know how we were going to make ends meet when we had Brendon only 18 months after Conner but somehow things always do work. God makes a way.
Good to remember. His faithfullness is an awesome thing.
Just “B”