Wednesday, October 11, 2006

A Beautiful Foot

Yesterday I got to do the coolest thing. Sara let me go with her to her baby doctor’s appointment. She has an ultrasound everytime she goes now and yesterday they told her they were going to do a 3-D ultrasound also. How cool is that. They never had those when I was having the boys. So we went and they tried.
But noooooooo. Those two girls would not show us their faces. At one point we were able to see an eye and 3/4 a some lips. I felt bad because Sara said that she couldn’t see it later when we were in the car. I could have showed her. But they were able to get a picture of a foot. It was cool because in a regular ultrasound you can only see the bones but in 3-D you see diminsion, (dah!) So Kenzie and Sara each got a picture of a foot.
I must say that it is one of the prettiest feet I’ve ever seen. It was fun and so cool. Both of the baby’s heads were together. They were lying beside each other but with their faces down. We did see a knee and leg. So small. So cool. Thank you Sara!

I must admit that while Sara was having the rest of her exam and Kinzie and I were waiting for her I looked around and said“Thank you Jesus that I am just visiting”
Hallelujah, Praise the Lord.

Just visiting.

Just Something New

A Favorite Quote

“Even when you are striving, stumbling
and struggling, it’s exhilarating if you sense you are growing.”


I like this.

"Even when you are striving, stumbling
and struggling, it's exhilarating if you
sense you are growing."

From "What We've Learned So Far"


Over the weekend our church held a marriage conference. I felt so challenged. Challenged in my relationship with my husband. Do I act respectfully towards him? Do I speak respectfully with both my words and my tone?

Proverbs 12:4"An excellent wife is the crown of her husband....she who shames him is rottenness to his bones."

This verse jumped out at me. A rottenness! I have had things that turned rotten in my refrigerator. I'm not proud just being honest. And the smell and the look of that rotten junk was disgusting. And the thought that I could smell like that and look like that to my husband made me sick. And when we treat men like they are women not the way that God created them and therefore do not give them what they need we(wives)can become a rottenness to there bones.

Dr. Eggerich talks about how our culture and to some degree the church is being told to that the answer to everything is love. And we are commanded to love but in a marriage relationship what speaks love to a man is not what speaks love to a woman.

Eph 5:33 Nevertheless let each individual among you also LOVE his own wife even as himself;and let the wife see to it that she RESPECT her husband.

O.k. Time to tell on myself. I got great revelation on something this weekend.
There is something that my husband does that used to drive me crazy. I am praying that God has changed me or is at least in process.
My husband is very analytical. He analyzes everything. Probes and questions and turns it over and inside out. It makes me nuts.
Part of this is the teacher in him but I found out this weekend that it is the way God made him. He can't help it and in fact he needs to have that part of him appreciated.

So far I have not been challenged on this but I know it is coming. I have prayed that God would grab me when it is happening and help me to react in a repectful way.

I loved all the scripture this weekend. God really did give us the keys to life.
Also the scripture that kept coming to me was this.

Philippians 1:6 "And I am convinced and sure of this very thing, that He Who began a good work in you will continue until the day of Jesus Christ{right up to the time of His return], developing (that good work) and perfecting and bringing it to full completion in you.