Sunday, January 08, 2006

Last Thursday I turned 47 and so far I don't think anything is to different except that I am one year closer to 50. How do I feel about that? I'm not sure. Larry reminded me that I have always told him that I would finally hit stride when I turned 50. I really hope that is true. I think it will be a great time for me. I am really looking forword to seeing what it is going to be like.

Last Friday after dropped Kinzie off at Sara's office the boys and I went to Jordan Creek to walk for 25 min. It felt so good to move again. I haven't really been able to do much since my first knee surgery and the muscles in my legs knew that last Friday. Then we went and ran errands. Costco, Target(great sales),Wellspring(new book)and then the boys and I went and had a coffee at Starbucks. It was yummy and really nice to be there with the boys. We had a lot of fun that day. I enjoy spending time with them and they were really nice and didn't complain about being in so many stores. After that we meet the rest of the family at Grand China Buffet for crab legs. After dinner we went to see a movie and then we went home. I had a nice birthday.

Saterday was busy getting things ready for childrens ministry on Sunday. Then worship team practice and a meeting after that. A very busy day but I enjoyed it.
I am just starting to feel like myself again after my knee surgery. It feels great.

I will right more later about Sunday. It was a great day and a wonderfurl memory.

More later,