What a week
The week really started last Friday. Last Friday I took in 3 arrangments for a company to look at for approval for their holiday party. To go back to the phone conversation that I had with the contact person when I asked her what she was looking for she said something simple but elegant. Oh I almost laughed on the phone. Every bride, that is not an exageration (well exluding the bride that I just meet with for a wedding in May) but every other bride when asked what she wanted has said "something simple but elegant." Not a bad thing to want but it is very vauq. And each of them had totally different weddings. So anyway I digress. She even said that the committee had thought about just taking a string of pearls and hanging them on a poinsetta and sitting it in the middle of the table. WHAT!!!!!!!!!! Oh yea that is elegant. So I took in my ideas and they were rejected. And that is o.k. It had just been a long time since I have had corporate rejection. It probably doesn't help that I am intimadated by corporate women any way. So when asked what they were looking for the reply was somehting cleaner and more organic. Elegant and organic HUMMMMMM. I think what she means is something with real christmas greens in them and they are not in the wharehouses yet so I have explained that to her and am taking another stab at it. If they don't like these then I am just not her girl and that is o.k. there is a different designer out there for everyone. And every designers style is different. But I spent all of Monday saying to myself "I'm o.k. I'm o.k." By Tuesday I had recouped. But that was almost all of my last Wed. through Monday. I am trying again on Monday. The lady who has the last word on these has been on vacation all week. Oh yea, and when asking her what she was looking for her reply........I will know it when I see it. Argh!............ The life of an entrepenuer.
On Saterday we went with the youth group, Pastor, Vicki and Edgy to winterize Tiawnys lawn and flower beds. It really was enjoyable. Being outside and being with everyone. Vicki has all the tools to do the flowers so it was not bad.
Good tools do make all the difference.
On Saturday I started to get a headache. Just small and really more noticable when I bent over and came back up. Which I did alot of when I was doing the flower beds. Saturday we went to a birthday party and it was still there and a lilttle worse. I thought it was just the noise from alot of people. Sunday came and I didn't stop moving from the time we got there to the time we left just alot to take care of. Sunday afternoon my head was falling off. I went outside to do some raking and flower beds of my own and felt miserable when I came in. I thougt to myself that this headache seems familiar. It is hard to describe but it is not like a tension headache which I get alot.
Sunday night while laying in bed I told Larry that I wondered if my blood pressure was out of whack again. A couple of months ago I was able to go off my blood pressure meds and I was thrilled. I really think that it was because of all the walking. I found out that I had high blood pressure about 3 or 4 years ago because fo the same thing. A headach that was so bad I just cried all the time.
Monday I went to the chiropractor and got a much needed adjustmen which helped some but still had that headache. So on Tuesday I went to the doctor and my blood pressure was high. I won't say how high to avoid the pointed wagging fingers from the nurses I know and the future nurse practioner in my family. It was not as high as last time but high enough to get a really bad look from the nurse who took it. So I am back on my medicine. And today is better but still a little of the head throbbing is there.
Yesterday I told the boys that I was going for a walk. I just stopped taking the time. And as soon as I did the time that I gave up was sucked up by something else. So I am going to make my health a prority again. Sounds selfish but I decided that is is wisdom. Not to much I can do for the Lord if I am not in good health. Just this liitle bit of stuff to deal with and I feel like I have not accomplished anything for 4 days.
Enjoy your weekend.