Almost the end of February. I havn't posted since January. I am getting excited about spring. Today the snow is starting to melt and this morning I heard the birds singing when I let the dog out. Busy weekend. What else is new. Friday the boys and I went and ran errands. While we were out I started to feel really crudy. Sara called while we were out to see if we could watch the girls while she went and got groceries. They don't make carts at the grocery store for twins. I never noticed that before. So we ran our errands and then went over there. While we were there I just felt worse and worse. So no kissing babies for me that night and lots of hand sanitizer. By Saturday morning I felt terrible. Sore throat, etc. etc. etc. You know the drill. Larry(bless his heart)took the boys and ran some errands of his own for church and also did a little car dreaming. The boys had a great time.
I learned something about myself while I am sick. My mouth gets out of control. Which makes me also come to the conclusion that if it so easily gets out of control while I am sick it means that I must work pretty hard at controling it while I am feeling well. Not exactly a plus for me. Let me expain.
Alex had asked if we could gather the things they needed to get there taxes done so Saturday morning Larry sat down and gathered the things that we had here for them and also made a punch list of things that we still needed from them. Numbers and info. He tried to call before he left to run errands but was not able to talk to them so he left me the info so that I could tell them what it was if they called.
He had not been gone very long when they returned the call. Now the embarassing part of the story gets inserted here. (Can you believe that I am telling you this)
I told Alex what was on the list, he had questions like I knew he would so I told him he would have to call back and talk to his Dad.
Then he told me they got a cat.(Here comes the embarrassing part-please be kind, I have already beat myself up and grounded me) I WAS SICK!!!!!
I said to Alex,"Alex, you need a cat like you need a whole in the head."
Why, you ask would I say that. I can't answer you with anything that makes any sense. He was not asking my opinion or my permission. Only sharing info that was exciting to them. I apologized and asked questions about there newest family member and hoped that I was making polite conversation but knew that I was not ever going to be able to erase what I said.
The verse that came to my mind when I hung up the phone was "A fool utters his whole mind". Not exactly a verse you want to be tagged with.
So Alex if you are reading this or Mariah. I am sorry again. You did not ask for my opinion or my permission. You have the right to make your own decisions. I WAS SICK!!!!!!
I was remembering that when I was 24 I bought an adorable Cocker Spaniel puppy.
I could no more take care of that puppy than the man in the moon. But I just had to have it. And I paid alot of money for it. Money that I didn't have or shouldn't have spent on a dog. I didn't have time for a dog. Layne was around 3yrs. old and I thought he would love a dog. Truthfully I wanted this dog. I loved Cocker Spaniels and this dog was beautiful. But I had a hard time house breaking it and having enough time for it. I had a old car that took up alot of money for repairs etc., rent to pay, groceries to buy and clothes for both of us. That all equals up to no money. So I did have to sell the dog then and I took a loss on it.
The outcome of this story. I did what I wanted to do. I did what I wanted to do more times after that.
So Alex and Mariah have fun with your cat. Enjoy having a pet.
SORRY!!!! I WAS SICK!!!!!!!!!!
Love You Both.