Tuesday, February 20, 2007

No Sleep

Today I am battling a terrible lack of sleep. Larry and I have both been sick with a virus.

Basically we have taken turns not sleeping because the other one was snoring badly from there heads being stuffed up and throats that felt like they were the size of a straw.

I asked Larry how he was feeling this morning and he said that he was tired because he slept so little. I wanted to say "No you didn't, you slept alot, trust me, I know. I was awake listening to you." But I didn't because I know that a couple of days ago he suffered for me. Oh, well. I love him. Good thing. The couch was looking pretty good. If it wasn't for the fact that the leather couch would be cold in the middle of the night I would have gone there.

Started Weight Watchers last Monday and on weigh in on Monday I was down 3.2lbs. YAY for me. Then this morning another 1.2lbs.
I would like to have lost 20lbs by the time we go to Colorado the first of May.
I almost hate to say anything about it because I have done Atkins and gained back every bit I lost. But I have taken the time to read alot of material and take my time to begin.
I had an aha moment when I realized that nobody gets to eat what ever they want. Not really. So I decided to stop feeling sorry for myself like I was the only one who had to watch what they ate.

Spring is coming. I can smell it. Ohhhhhhh, the sunshine. I love the sunshine.
I planted 80 tulips last fall and I can't wait to see them.


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