Monday, February 27, 2006


Today is Monday. It doesn’t feel bad for a Monday. The sun is shining and the temps are supposed to be good so that works for me.
Friday we did end up going to town in the late afternoon. I was able to do some cleaning and then we left to go and meet Larry at his office. My objective for the evening was to look at options for our laminate flooring, price can lights and look alittle at some exercise equipment. Now that the weather is getting better I can walk outside so maybe I can take the summer to decide what I want to do.
The reason that we are doing something with the laminate flooring is because last summer our dishwasher leaked and the water went under the laminate just in that one spot. We can’t replace just that section because the floor is 8yrs old. The part we replace would probably be a different color plus they probably do not make this color anymore. I really like my laminate floor. It has held up well with boys, dogs and country dirt. So now the hard part. What color do we choose. We have honey oak wood everywhere. The trim, the fireplace, the cupboards and the dining room table. I am going to paint the kitchen cupboards this summer but that still leaves all the trim and all the rest. So do I go for major change with a much darker color, stay in the same tone and blend, make a statement with something different and bold. What can I live with for another 10 years or more? So we have 5 different choices lying down on the floor so that every time we walk by we can see them and see what we think.
Then on Saterday we hung out here until Larry left for the church to get ready for worship practice and I came later. There was a meeting after we were done and then we came home.
Sunday was Family Sunday and that means the option of jeans for the worship team if they want and I usually do. After church Layne, Sara and Kinzie came for lunch and spent sometime with us in the afternoon. Then last night we watched the tape we had recorded of a show we like to watch on channel 11 on Sunday afternoons. Monarch of the Glen. We are addicts. We really enjoy that show. Then we watched The Cinderella Man. A good movie. That lead us into a good conversation about the depression. Our grandparents had lived during that time so we told the boys some stories about them and what there lives where like then. Wow we are spoiled. My big dilema of the day is what color of floor to put down. Not if I can find a job that day to be able to buy my family food or take them to the doctor. Not seeing how many times I can mend up the same sock or do we all eat or just the kids. No I can go down to my freezer and see what I feel like having for dinner.

My prayer today is that I will have a more thankful heart.

Psalm 26:7 That I may make the voice of thanksgiving heard and may tell of all Your wondrous works.


At 7:41 AM, Blogger marysto said...

Warm weather is coming soon.

A trip to town without bundling all the kids in snow gear......

I can't wait!



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