Tuesday, December 26, 2006

The Day After

Good Morning
It is the day after Christmas. I am taking a little chill time this morning before we crank up again for another Christmas celebration. This time with my Dad. My brother, his son, my sister and our kids and grandkids(still sounds wierd-its been almost 4 years but still sounds strange.)

Oh this morning coffee taste so good. Especially combined with sweat pants, a sweat shirt and slippers.

We had a nice Christmas. Sunday afternoon Larry's family came over and most stayed and went with us to Christmas Eve service. This year I promised myself to get to know some part of Larry's family better so at dinner I sat down with two of his nephews and a niece. I ate with them and talked about what is going on in there life. It was fun getting to know them better. So different for my kids than when I was growing up. I was very close to my cousins. We did a lot of things together and still love to get together. But now for the boys. They are not close to their cousins. At dinners everyone is pretty segregated. My goal this year was to start breaking that down a little. I think that I accomplished it.
Can I tell you something. Most people like tradition. I do also to some extent.
Tradition is o.k. if it does not rule a persons life or cause you to not go beyond that. If it is regulating and confining or better yet used as a symbol and not conducive to growth then its law and not life.
This side of the family lives in tradition. They are not very outgoing people. It is difficult for them to press beyond so many times they seem bound to me. Bound by tradition.
I cannot be with people just because they are called family and not have some sort of tie beyond that. I want to know them. Care about them. I want them to know that I am interested in who they are. That is what I wanted to accomplish on Sunday .I think I made a start.

Loved having the kids around all day and spending the night with us. Its always great.

Larry and I took the night feedings of new McGinnis's. Cassie and Cody. The slept between us and we feed them twice. At 1:30 and 4:00. Oh did that bring back memories. It was great fun to smell that new baby skin and hear there little squeaks and squaks. But come Monday night we enjoyed getting a full night of sleep.
Makes me appreciate what a wonderful mother Sara is. Taking care of twins is a lot of work and she is great at it.

Hope you are enjoying your day after.



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