Thursday, November 02, 2006


About yesterday. I do not think that sitting beside my bed with my ipod and my Bible is wierd.

Maybe the word I should have used was unusual,different, out of the ordinary. For me.
What I really meant is not that the actual event was unusual, different or out of the ordinary. But that I had seen this in my mind so many times and not done it. I usually am game for trying something new. Not having the same thing twice at a restaurant. That's the kind of gal I am.

Now if I had seen myself spitting in mud and putting it on someone's eyes......that would be weird......for me.

But now that I think about it. It doesn't feel that wierd either.

Maybe if I'm faithful to sit on my floor with my ipod and Bible and spend time knowing him more deeply........someday I'll be spitting in mud.

So if you see me with dirty hands, you'll know whats going on.


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