Thursday, November 02, 2006

Child rearing in Africa

I found these while studying about Africa with Brendon

* A child who is to be successful is not reared exclusively on a bed of down.

* If a child pretends to be dead and plays possum, you pretend to bury him.

* If a child insists on clutching live coals, by all means let him; when he gets
burnt, you won't have to encourage him to throw them away.

I told Brendon the gig is up. From now on when he plays possum he knows what will happen.

I also found out that a child lives in his father hut until he is five and then he goes and lives in the boys or girls hut. HOWEVER if there is no boy or girl hut then he lives in his grandmothers hut.
If I could use that for as a consequence I would probably have immediate obedience. Hummmmmmmm.


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