Friday, February 03, 2006

No Where To Hide

I have been outed. I don't know how this happened. You all have found my blog. Who did this. I really created this blog for me to use to work on my writing skills. I have never been a good writer. In highschool english was my worst subject. I did well in speech. No surprises there, I am a pretty good talker. But to write. Not so good. So what happens. I marry a man who is exceptional at writing and we homeschool our kids. No, english is not an elective. Last semester at CMC Alex took an english class and the instructor told them to just write. Not even worry about all the essentials being there but just to write. Then I heard Kim say that she liked writing on her blog because she could type and edit quickly. So maybe this is the ticket for me. Now that you all know I feel alot of pressure. It takes me forever just to write an announcement for Elicia to put in the bulletin.

We have had a great week of school. The boys have worked hard and stayed on track. Love those kind of weeks so today we are going to lunch. Brendon wants to try the new thing they have at Taco Bell. Every time he sees the commercial his mouth waters. That boy loves to eat. And we are going to run some errands and they want to roam around Scheels(sp?) for awhile. Yesterday, after they finished there school work Larry had asked them to put some more gravel on the lane since it was going to be nice.
We looked extremely rednecked. We had our old truck which we use for projects only. We call it old brownie. Its not much to look at but that truck has been good to me. It has been my ticket to getting alot of things done that would not have been possible with out brownie. So anyway, here we were. Two boys in the back and me driving with a dog and a 3 year old in the cab.
Last week Brendon and I went to get some gravel for the lane. We were on the interstate heading towards the Boonvile gravel pit in old brownie with the dog with us again. As we passed the Waukee entrance ramp a beautiful red fabulous Dodge Viper pulls up right beside us. Brendon went crazy, he loves cars, I was looking at it as it pulled up beside us because it really is a cool car(I have way to much knowledge about cars-I live in a house full of testosterone, even our dogs are boys) All of the sudden the man driving the car looked up at us and Brendon and I laughed because we realized at the same time what we must have looked like. Maybe someday we will have to retire old brownie and replace him but right now with spring once again approaching a convertible is a little higher on my list.
We have a busy weekend coming up. They all seem that way. But I have caught myself two days in a row asking God what he has for me that day. No, it's not first thing in the morning but getting closer. I always have a plan. I wouldn't be me if I didn't but I want to live in the power of the Holy Spirit doing all I do through Christ. I love plans. I really like to look forword to things. But what I love even more is hearing from God something that he has for me to do. I want to be more concerned with him checking things off his list.

So welcome to my life, such as it is. Full of a husband, kids, homeschooling, dogs, old trucks and most importantly wanting to be more like Jesus.



At 8:10 AM, Blogger Ryan Brancheau said...

You can find anything on the internet if you look hard enough.

Since we all linked to you, your site hits haved doubled over night.

At 9:09 AM, Blogger Jeremy T. Brancheau said...

You didn't really think we would let something like this go undiscovered forever did you? You cant hide!


At 10:33 AM, Blogger Mrs Edgey said...

I loved reading this today B- I think you are writing just like you talk too... I can just hear your voice in certain spots and have to laugh. example: "That boy can eat!" LOL I totally agree.
Love ya!!!


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