Monday, February 13, 2006

Today I was able to sleep in a little. I don’t know that it was neccarily good for me. I woke up feeling groggy not refreshed like you would think because you were able to get a little extra sleep. And weird dreams….really weird dreams. The kind that when you wake up you still remember them and are having a hard time getting back into reality. Oh, enough about dreams. Friday was a pretty normal Friday. Kinzie was here until about 1:00 and then I spent the rest of the day doing Brendons laundry and cleaning bathrooms. Uck my least favorite job. I did have a little time to watch “Martha” I’m sorry I like Martha. I don’t know that much about her personal life but I like the “Martha” that cooks organizes, gardens and does crafts. She has a great eye for design and color and I find her show enjoyable. Later that afternoon I took Conner to the church to hook up with the youth group and leave for Ames for ATF. He was looking forword to it. So we exchanged Conner for Kinzie. She was spending the night and the next day with us. Brendon, kinzie and I met Larry and my Mom for dinner at On the Border. I had never been before. Larry had gone there for lunch. It was good. Mom had a little challenge finding something that was not to spicy but with mission accomplished we enjoyed a nice dinner. We were all letting each other taste a little of what we had ordered and saying here try this when kinzie not wanting to be left out took some pieces of her chicken fingers and said “here try this, it’s really good”. I thought it was adorable and I can. I’m the grandma. It’s cute how kinzie always call my Mom great grandma Wuby(Ruby) and say’s that is because she is my Mom. Then we came home and watched the Olympics opening ceremony. Hats off to you Italy, it was terrific. We enjoy the Olympics and we always think of how old the kids will be next time they are on (the winter ones). Layne will be 29, Sara will be 30, Alex will be 22, Conner will be 17, Brendon will be 16 and kinzie will be 7. Never mind how old Larry and I will be.
Saterday we hung out at home until about 3 and then we went to town to buy cany bars for Superchurch and then stopped by the church so Larry could work on music and I could set up the store.
Conner got home later that night from ATF. It was fun to listen to him talk about ATF. He really enjoyed Desperation and the speakers. It was so good to hear the things he had gleaned from the weekend and it brought back memories of the other boys coming home from similar weekends. I think Laynes passion for youth ministry started at an ATF and Alex was compelled to go on a missions trip at an ATF. What a great organization. When Layne brought Conner home and picked up Kinzie I looked at both of them and remember thinking that they looked like they were lite up. The presence of God does a man good.
Sunday was church. Super church was good. Love those Willow Creek videos. The store was a hit. I think the kids spent more of there superbucks than they have in a long time. That made me happy. Then Sunday afternoon we had lunch, fish (chicken for Brennie) and sat around for a couple of hours. Then Larry and Brendon worked on the Envoy while Conner took the traditional day after ATF nap. Larry and Brendon went to town to buy a new battery for the Envoy and picked up two new pool sticks so when they got home and had finished working on the car we played several games of pool. It was fun. I had not played in years so I felt bad for whoevers team I was on. But everyone was a good sport about it. Turns out I am pretty good at breaking. Who knew?

So far today I have watched or listend to The Swan Princess Twice. It is only ll:00. Could be a long day.


At 3:06 PM, Blogger Mrs Edgey said...

you should try Barbie Nutcracker. At least there is decent music in that. I love it.


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