Tuesday, February 07, 2006

More Physical Therapy

I have been having trouble with the knee that I last had surgery on for about the last three weeks. I went to my knee surgeon yesterday to have him look at it. I was very glad that he said there is no way that I could need any more knee surgeries. What a relief that was. I couldn't imagine having to do that again. So he is sending me to physical therapy. I really like my physical therapist. He is a great guy but..... he hurts me. I already know how this is going to go but the only way to get to the point where my knee doesn't hurt is to hurt it. Nothing to do but just to do it.
Last night I went to a VBS workshop that Wellspring offers to showcase all of the VBS programs that they sell. All of the different publishers send presenters to pitch there programs. It is fun to look at everything and to hear the presenters. Usually they are all VBS directors for there churches and have been for many years or are Childrens Pastors. They are all so passionate about kids and that makes it fun. Last night one of the presenters was a childrens pastor from a church in Des Moines. She gave a statistic that floored me. She said that a recent statistic for Polk county showed that 66% of Polk county is unchurched. Wow, are you shocked. I was. We should be. Look at all of the churches in just DesMoines. Now look add to that some very large areas with big churches, Altoona, Ankeny, Norwalk etc. Now I will tell you why that doesn't matter. What she said is that your children can go to school with kids who say they are Christians but that is not what they are living at home. Why the disconnect from going and not living? This is what I am pondering today. How does this effect childrens ministry and planning for the coming year in my church? Not even just childrens ministry but all aspects of christain living?
What are we not saying? More what are we not showing? Are we making it look ok to not live what we say is what we believe? I don't know. I just have been thinking about it since last night.
Today I get to stay home all day. There are days when that's not something I would get excited about. But not today. We had a very busy weekend. Today I will enjoy the sound of the washer going, the smell of fabric softner, checking school work and having dinner together. I am feeling very domestic.
Great news on the dog front. Troy has gone 6 days now without any accidents and he is sleeping through the night. The sleeping thing didn't really affect me but it is great to see Brendon not so sleepy during the day.


At 8:22 AM, Blogger Jeremy T. Brancheau said...

Brendon is such a good mommy.



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