Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Yesterday I did get to be domestic. Somedays I love the smell of fabric softner, hearing the dishwasher going, baking something and seeing my bed made. When this all happens in the same day it is a banner day. Last night after dinner we watched Zorro 2. It was ok. The boys didn't think it was as good as the first one but I thought it was ok.
It snowed last night. We have not had very much snow this winter which is fine with me. The snow is pretty but I'm just not that into it this winter. Personally I enjoyed the 40 and 50 degree highs that we have had.
I don't really have much else to talk about today. Not to much going on. Maybe today would be a good day to have a rousing game of Dora Candy Land with Kinzie. I think that this would be a good idea since at this moment she is standing outside of the Conner's bedroom where he is working on his school work and saying over and over "Conner are you doing your homework." I also need to go to the post office and mail a special Valentines package off today.

Bye for now,


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