Saturday, February 04, 2006

Thanks For The Welcome

Thanks to all of the bloggers who left comments on my blog. I know I shouldn't be so nieve(did spell check and still don't know if this is right). I know to many tech's.
But really it feels ok. I'm good with it.

My husband rocks. He is terrific. That's all I am going to say but I just had to get that out. God knew exactly what I needed and he gave me that and more.

Today I am going to do some housework. What an unending job. It's always there. But I love the feeling when it's done. I want to get another chapter read in the book I am reading. I am reading the Preachers Daughter by Beverly Lewis. I was at the library one day and found her books under inspirational and started reading them. I have now read them all and this is her latest one. They are all about amish families. There life is so different than mine. Simple, but not easy. I will write more about this later because it is interesting to me.
Tonight I am going to Rachels girls night out with Sara and Angela. I am looking forward to it. I have heard about it in the past and wanted to go but never have. So tonight will be fun.

I agree Jeremy, it is hard to know how to sign off.



At 12:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Next time you might have to stay for the drawings at girls night out. I can just imagine the scent of a Gold canyon candel in your home aww well. Melissa


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