Thursday, March 09, 2006

When the Rooster Crows

Today started very early. Around 5:00a.m early. That might not seem early to many of you but for me that is an early start. Why so early? Today was the day that my mom was being honored by the Red Cross for her community involvement. It was downtown at the Marriott. A breakfast and ceremony. It was great. It takes along time to get downtown from my house and with all the freeway work being done I wanted to make sure I could be on time. Well I heard on the radio that there was a traffic jam on the MILK exit so I decided to take grand Ave. to downtown. Well I forgot that when you get downtown that grand is a one way street going east so you automatically end up on locust. This great revelation did not occur to me until after the breakfast and I was looking for the parking garage where my car was parked. I digress. Sorry. The Red Cross breakfast was called Heroes of the Heartland. The heroes received an award and while they were being presented with the award a 3 minute video was playing of them talking about what they did to receive the award. It was really very interesting to see the different things that people did. None of them did it to be honored. In fact all seemed to think that they where just ordinary people who were doing something that they felt they could do to help other people.
And they were just ordinary people doing just that. None of there projects were huge things making the headlines of the paper and bringing in millions of dollars. They were good neighbors, people using there gifts to make other people feel like they matter. It was inspiring. So back to the parking garage. After the breakfast I thought I knew the direction of the garage. I didn't bring the ticket from parking with me I left it in the car in the garage. So I started out in the skywalk I walked quite a ways but realized I didn't even know the name of the garage. So I went down to the street and walked and walked and finally found the entrance to the ramp. Only it was the entrance for cars only. So I walked on around the building thinking that there would be a door. Wrong, just another ramp. So I went back to the first ramp and asked the man who takes your money how I could get to my car.
Well he said to go into this building next door and not to take the escalator but to go clear around to the left and take the elevators to my floor.
At last directions from someone who should know. I followed his directions exactly and walla....there was the elevator to take me to the floor my car was on. But standing there I had a horrible feeling that I had been at this very spot before. But it was not just a feeling. It was true. I had been right at that very spot on my skywalk tour. I was so frustrated. I was late picking up Mackenzie and I felt ridiculous. I didn't know this was the right spot because I left the ramp a different way. Not only I had I been at this spot before but the Marriott was just down the walk way and to the right. I had walked forever earlier trying to find the Marriott.
I finally made it out of downtown and got on the freeway. I made my way out to Sara's office and picked up Kinzie. We went home to pick up the boys and turn right around to leave again.
We grabbed both of the dogs and headed to the groomers in Waukee. Duke need a professional cut in places that I just can't do. So we left him there and we were off to our next stop.
Conner has been haveing trouble with his eyes not being able to see far away. He had an eye appointment and found out that he did need glasses. We were not surprised. Continual squinting is a dead give away.
After that we did some shopping for glasses and then we had to hurrry out to make sure we picked up Duke in time and off for home we went for the second time today.
I gave Conner instructions for making dinner and I left again(time #3) to meet Larry at the funeral home for Terry P. dad. We saw some others from church and Terry's son Jonathan who we had not seen for awhile and caught up with him.
Finally we returned home for the 3rd time today and we stayed. Conner had dinner and Brendon had picked up the living room. Ahhhh. Home Sweet Home. It is good to be here.


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