Sunday, March 05, 2006

What am I doing here on a Sunday?

How did I end up here, posting on a Sunday. I was just looking at some railing for our house and found myself looking at blogs and went to post. I have started to find this almost relaxing. In some strange way looking forward to putting my thoughts down here. How weird is that!
Friday was a very relaxed day for us. Usually I have millions of errands to run on Friday afternoon. This Friday only several hundred.
Really I didn't care if I accomplished them all there was not any real rush jobs to do so I concentrated on groceries and that was all. Brendon had a party to go to so we needed to be home by 3:30. We did our usual route, Costco and Fareway with side of Kolhs thrown in. My Mom thought they were having a good sale so I went to check it out. Its weird because lately I go shopping and look at things and think to myself, I can live without this. Even if its a great deal. I can live without this. However a couple of weeks ago that is no what I said at Younkers in there shoe department. But to be fair with myself I have been looking for shoes and I found some at a great price so I grabbed them.
I hadn't been to Costco for awhile so it was load up time. They have good pizza at there little food dealie. Its not expensive and the pieces are huge. Brendon had not had lunch so he grabbed a slice. He always has his cut in half so he can eat it easier. He ended up eating it in the car because we were trying to keep on schedule . As we were pulling off of the freeway on an exit ramp we saw a homeless man standing on the side of the ramp holding a sign that said "cold,hungry,help a homeless man." Just before we saw him Brendon had said that he had eaten only half of the pizza and was stuffed. Then when he read the sign he said "I wonder if he would like the rest of my pizza." So we rolled down our window and offered him the pizza. He was very gracious and seemed thankful.
I watched Brendon. It seemed to me like this was for him an everyday occurrence. Just roll down the window and give what you've got.
Maybe its because he is a kid. Without any preconceived ideas. He sees a sign, thinks I can help with that and does it.
Maybe it is because of Richard. Richard was a homeless man that we meet through my Moms ministry, Hands of Help.
Mom meet Richard one day when she was doing some work at the warehouse where she had Hands of Help located. She looked outside and saw two men looking through the dumpster. She asked them if there was anything she could do to help them. She offered to let them come inside and look through the clothing to see if there was anything they could use. It was beginning to get cold outside and the ministry had coats and gloves, hats you know winter stuff. They did and Mom began to talk with them. She found out they lived down by the river in a little camp that they had set up. One of these men was Richard. Richard would walk around downtown quite a bit so he would stop in to the warehouse to see mom and say Hi. They developed quite a friendship and have it to this day. Richard has since moved to Omaha were he has some family and has begun to renew family relationships that were once torn and hurt. Our boys meet Richard on several occasions and really liked him. They got to know a lot about his lifestyle and how he got in that spot. He became someone that they considered a friend. In fact if we went to the warehouse and he was not around they were disappointed.
Brendon was not afraid to reach out because he was familiar with the homeless. To him this was another Richard. How incredible is my Mom. During the summer different people would give her hams etc and she would take them and have them shaved into sandwich meat. She would then take the meat, put it in individual servings and freeze it. Then during the week she would take bread, meat and other things down to the guys(we called them her river guys)so they could have sandwiches. Then during the winter she would make sure they had something hot to eat at least once a week. There was so much more. She found them blankets and tarps to keep warm, someone gave her firewood for them to use during the winter and pans to cook with on the fire. She would wash his clothes for him so he could go on job interviews and take him to McDonalds when he was craving a chocolate shake and fish sandwich.
You know what Richard said in a recent letter to my Mom? He said that through her friendship he learned that God did love him and cared about him. He said that it meant so much to him that Mom didn't judge him.
Through all of this rambling I just realized what I saw in Brendon that day.
He didn't judge that man on the side of the road.

Maybe I can learn something from an 11 yr. old after all.

Just "B"


At 3:00 PM, Blogger Alex McGinnis said...

Hey have you seen the new Pride and Prejudice?


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