Tuesday, September 12, 2006


O.K. I just looked and my last post was in August. I have been trying to post for about 2 weeks but just couldn't get into my blog. I even created a new blog and thought that just now I was going into it and WHALLA up comes my original.

So what has been going on. We did go on vacation. We took the boys and went to northern Minnesota. We rented a cabin on a lake up there and spent 3 days fishing. We had a great time. We did not catch to many fish but we still had fun. We had a small boat that came with our cabin. At the end of the second day our butts were sore from sitting on these narrow benches. Balancing the weight in the boat became a issue because it was so small so Larry sat at the controls by the motor and Brendon and I in the middle and Conner at the front. If we wanted to get to anything that was not in our area and did not let anyone know and just started moving it could get ugly. At the end of everyday when we went to bed we still felt like we were in the boat rocking on the water. Several times in the night I would wake up startled because I thought I felt the boat tipping in my sleep. We had these hilarious beds that sank in the middle and our shower water smelled like lake water. We had no t.v and no radio. It was great.
It was funny because when we got there the silence was uncomfortable but when we left the noise from a t.v or radio was uncomfortable.

We stopped for a day and a half on the way up and a day on the way back at my Aunt Carolinnes and my Uncle Hoops. You all know that was wonderful. There home is very peaceful. When you leave you feel restored.
I also went to the Ikea store in Minneapolis. It was great. I had always wanted to go so it was fun for me.

We had been home for about 4 days and we sent Alex and Mariah off to school. They are staying in the dorms this year and seem to really be enjoying it.

Now we have started our second week of school.
So far so good. Brendon being in 7th grade this year has been quite an adjustment for him. But he is making his way into the world of junior high.
Conner is used to the format as he is an eighth grader this year. I am enjoying the boys history this year. Both are fun to read and also Brendons science. Earth science is one of my favorites.
Kinzie had her first day of school the other day. She made a color red collage and we started to work on the letter A. She did good. She likes having her own school things. Thanks Kim.

The juggling act of keeping up the house when you are a homeshooler is never ending. Not to mention having a quiet time and doing some exercise.
That is something that we talked about while we were in Minnesota. How much easier it is to spend time in your Bible and with God in worship without all the distractions. It thrilled me to see both of the boys at different times sitting on their beds and reading there Bibles. But both admitted that it was not so easy at home with t.v and radio and video games screaming there names.
Me to! I understood. Something to work on and really think about for me.


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