Wednesday, March 22, 2006


Did you see the mistakes from yesterdays post. I don't know how that happened. I transferred it from word and there it was. I didn't even check it once it was published because I did all my checks while I still had it in word.

I just had to make sure you knew I didn't do that. I even went back to try and edit it and that was taking forever and not working like it should so my frustration level was at its peak and I called it quits.
I am not a techno girl and so when this stuff happens I call for one of the kids.
They were all outside playing in the snow.

Just a short story about the snow. Kinzie has really enjoyed this snow. Her Mom got all her supplies for playing in the snow. Snow pants, play coat, gloves, a hat. We found some boots in the basement and she was set to play in the snow. Then, no snow. Which was fine with me but not so fun for her.
So yesterday she finally got to play outside in the snow. She loved it and first thing this morning she was after her Uncle Brenny to go sledding again. I couldn't really understand what she was trying to say at first so she got down on the floor to demonstrate her sledding pose.
Well Brendon was all for a morning slide so they got on there gear. I had forgotten how long it took to put all that stuff on and remembered the old saying" you stay outside until you are completely done because once you are in, you are not going back outside."
Well I didn't say that. But I thought it.
A little while went by and I heard Kinzie outside the front door saying "Anna" over and over. I went to the door and she said she had an accident. I felt so bad for her. I felt partially resposible. It never occured to me to make sure that was taken care of before she got all those cloths on.
So we had to take all of the clothes off and she wanted to go back outside. I told her I didn't have any other play clothes for outside and she couldn't wear these. They were wet.
I looked at her and said "Wait a minute". She took that to mean I had a solution and said "You got an idea."
When she said that and I looked at her face I had to come up with something.
So we quickly dried the snow pants and found some pants that would work, got some of Brennys socks, put all the layers of clothes back on and out she went while I got to admire the big N on my shirt for Super Nana.


At 10:32 AM, Blogger Ryan Brancheau said...

Those are ASCII codes that cannot be easily rendered in HTML. Word is behind the scenes actually adding extra unviewable characters

Try cut & paste from Pages.


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